Pre-incident plans or pre-fire plans are most often associated with structures or other man made sites. However, some target hazards that involve deployment of technical rescue assets, involve topography challenges, or are considered wide area search operations that might garner special...
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During the month of October, a bulk of Fire Departments across the country, both career staffed, and volunteer staffed, take one-week per year, and curb their enthusiasm. The focus of their attention moves away from fire suppression and goes towards fire prevention. This newsletter is not to...
By Connie McNamara Imagine this horrific scenario: You hug your son or daughter as they head out the door to school. Hours later you get a call from the principal. Your child has been severely burned in a science classroom demonstration and is being transported to a burn center. Later, as you...
With the current status of the nation focused on the COVID-19 Pandemic, most fire stations across the country are limiting travel and visitors. In addition, many are cancelling or postponing trainings to assist with the social distancing. That being said, company level training must continue to...
Everyone in the country is preoccupied with issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Firefighters, EMTs and other emergency personnel are concerned about their potential exposure to the virus as they go about providing essential emergency services for the citizens in their service area. Each day...