The amount of electric vehicles (EVs) taking over our roadways have increased at a very rapid rate and fire departments need to be ready when the inevitable fire in one of these vehicles starts. According to the US department of Energy and New Jersey’s Electric Vehicle Act 2020 , the number of...
“We all need people who give us feedback. That is how we improve” – Bill Gates Adults are self-deterministic as learners. This means that we seek to control our own performance and improve it where possible. To do this, we need to know (1) what we have done well, (2) what areas we can...
During the month of October, a bulk of Fire Departments across the country, both career staffed, and volunteer staffed, take one-week per year, and curb their enthusiasm. The focus of their attention moves away from fire suppression and goes towards fire prevention. This newsletter is not to...
Advancing a hoseline into the fire building must be well coordinated and once past the entry door, can look like a work or art or a train wreck. Often, the problems occur before the door is even opened. The attack process must be done right from beginning to water application. More times than...
Overview This article provides techniques and technical information for the use of ground ladders at emergency scenes. It is designed to be used as part of a hands-on class over the use of ground ladders. The Click Method Some situations may require a ladder to be extended without being...
October 20, 2020 —The UL Firefighter Safety Research Institute (FSRI) is pleased to partner with the International Society of Fire Service Instructors (ISFSI) to release the new “Understanding and Fighting Basement Fires” online course. This online course explores the results of fire...
Many articles have been written about the differences in each of the three current generations serving in the fire service: Boomers, Gen Xers, and Millennials. While some from the Greatest Generation continue to serve, soon enough the next generation, Gen Z, will enter our workforce. It is...
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By Connie McNamara Imagine this horrific scenario: You hug your son or daughter as they head out the door to school. Hours later you get a call from the principal. Your child has been severely burned in a science classroom demonstration and is being transported to a burn center. Later, as you...
Everyone in the country is preoccupied with issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Firefighters, EMTs and other emergency personnel are concerned about their potential exposure to the virus as they go about providing essential emergency services for the citizens in their service area. Each day...
As an instructor, what message are you sending to newly appointed members? Are you setting them up for success? Are you clearly outlining what they have gotten themselves into and how to manage their new careers? Regardless of your rank or whether you are career or volunteer, you have the...