
Are You Appreciative of Your Time?

By Leigh Hubbard posted 04-09-2018 07:50

Time is a strange and unpredictable thing. It's a significate part of our existence and it impacts all facets of our life. Yet it is intangible; you can't control it, touch it or change it. Time will move forward, but never back. I suspect that's exactly the way God intended it to be. The past living in the past, yet the ability to learn from our past experiences in order to perhaps change our future. But the fact remains, time has occurred so moving forward is the only direction you should be confronting.
The value of time is underestimated. An Iron Bowl can be won in one second, Marty is returned to 1985 at exactly 10:04pm on November 12th, 1955 when the clock tower is struck by lightning at that exact time, and Olympic Gold is determined by 1/100th of a second in time.
Time passes and we often forget the gift it leaves behind. We assume we have plenty of time. We take for granted the memories time gifted us. We wish away today and dream of tomorrow. We often say we have no time and we wished we had more. However, each day, hour and minute are chances for us to try something new, to fail, to succeed, and to have fun.
It's taken me a lifetime, but I'm finally learning the value of time. The precious gift that time offers. I've spent a lifetime taking for granted the time I was gifted. I've spent years counting the stars when I was losing perspective of the moon that was right in front of me.
As I've learned to respect time I've realized just how valuable it is and how grateful I am to have it. I am learning to squeeze as much from time as I can....and strive to learn the lessons from my past experiences. Once upon a time I had a wake-up call. I owe my utmost gratitude to TIME. I've learned to savor every experience of my time. I've dusted myself off and I'm committed to respecting TIME and valuing what it means to me. I'm no longer making the assumption that time is running out...I think we have plenty of fact, we have a lifetime. The challenge remains, how long is our lifetime? Don't waste another second!