
New Years Resolutions

By Leigh Hubbard posted 01-16-2019 08:48


It’s a yearly rite for millions; create unrealistic goals for the year ahead and then feel helpless as it slips out of our grasp.  The twelfth of January, officially known as “Quitter’s Day!”, is the day many of us who have made New Year’s Resolutions throw in the towel. Our motivation lasted less than two-weeks. This is GREAT news for those of you with a healthy appetite for your gym as the treadmill that’s been occupied for the last 12-days is officially available again.

Perhaps this is the reason that only 40% of Americans are actually making a New Year’s Resolution.  Why set yourself up for the impending fate of failure? Perhaps the answer is because a resolution is different from our other commitments that are rooted in our daily values, interests and beliefs.

Despite the tough success rates, making a resolution is one of the best ways to actually make a change.  We take our goals from mere contemplation and place it into action. If we concentrate on a few simple changes to how we make these resolutions perhaps we will be more likely to stick to them for longer than two weeks. 

A GOAL is more important than an ACTIVITY: There is a bigger picture to what you want.  If you say “I want to lose 20lbs” or “I want to save $10,000” this year, you are only concentrating on an activity.  Refocus your attention on the bigger picture and what will truly bring you peace of mind, body and spirit over the next 12-months.  What is the overarching GOAL?  Build your activities around that.

Concentrate on one SMALL CHANGE at a time: “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind!” Sound familiar?  Each of your small steps are a celebration of the overall journey.  They create habits and habits allow you to continue to add value to your resolution. It’s your return on investment. 

Get the early “W”: Who doesn’t like a win? Come out fighting.  I am personally motivated when I don’t have to wait to see a little success.  If you’re waiting for something bigger in the future you’re less likely to stick with the resolution.

Expect to make MISTAKES: I’m the Queen of this!  I literally have a tiara full of diamonds for every mistake I have made along the way as I have disappointed myself and the commitments I’ve made for me, by me. The key is to know you’re going to make them and then power through and even double your efforts after.

 I hope that the first two-weeks of 2019 have been blessed for you and that for those of you with resolutions you’re finding a sense of satisfaction in your choices. My personal recommendation is to keep it simple…RESOLVE to be the best YOU.  And RESOLVE to FORGIVE yourself when you aren’t.