ISFSI Online Education Submission Guidelines
Please keep in mind that the purpose of online education is to provide up-to-date education on topics that are relevant and pertinent to today's fire service instructor. Proposals that directly promote a business or the sale of products are usually not accepted unless they are particularly compelling and have a strong training component included.
We strongly encourage presenters to submit work tailored specifically to our audience (fire service instructors). The ISFSI online education committee will work with the presenter so that the content fits the guidelines outlined here.
Education Topics for Consideration
- Training Needs Assessment
- Curriculum Development
- Training Delivery
- Testing & Evaluation
- Training Management
- Instructor Development & Continuing Education
- New Training Topics & Curriculum
- Developing & Constructing Training Props
- External Partnerships for Training Delivery
- Live Fire Training
- Special Topics
View a detailed list with example topics.
Depends on the education format.
- Happy Hour - Maximum of 60 minutes
- Instructor-Led Live Web Class - Minimum of 60 minutes
- Online Self-Study Class - Minimum of 60 minutes
- Webinar - Maximum of 50 minutes
Facts should be well-researched and supported, using the following as suggested resources:
- Interviews with at least three local sources considered authorities on the topics. Include quotes from them in your article.
- Journal articles or news stories that support your point. Link to or list these sources so that readers can find out more information.
- Always use local, real-life situations and people to illustrate your topic.
The ISFSI Online Education Committee will work with presenters to formulate appropriate deadlines for delivery of content.
ISFSI works closely with the presenters to refine the content for presentation. In order to maintain the appropriate length of the class, ISFSI reserves the right to reject certain submissions or postpone the session to a later date. ISFSI also reserves the right to edit, change or omit certain content, including photographs and graphics, as deemed appropriate by the ISFSI Online Education Committee.
Opinions expressed in the classes are those of the contributors and not necessarily of ISFSI, however submissions will not be considered if they do not align with the ISFSI mission and vision.
*Submit a Proposal