Continuing Education

Safe Law Enforcement Operations on the Fireground

The ISFSI LEO fire ground training video addresses the roles and responsibilities of law enforcement officers responding and controlling the fire scene by tying together UL/NIST/ISFSI modern fire behavior research and the appropriate sequence of actions from arriving law enforcement officers.

Fires today are burning faster, hotter and more dangerous than ever before. The simple acts of breaking a window or forcing open a door can immediately impact fire growth and make interior conditions untenable. When confronted with incidents when law enforcement arrive ahead of the fire department, your safety could be compromised quickly due to modern fuels and changes in building construction.

Police officers on patrol in their communities are in the best position to limit the oxygen available to fires inside compartments like residential and commercial structures. It makes sense to instruct them on how to control the flow path during a search or locating the fire and, in turn, limiting the extent of the fire and protect any occupants prior to the fire departments arrival.

Training Tip 

First Law Enforcement Officer on the Fire Scene presented by Gordon Graham from Lexipol

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Safe Law Enforcement Operations on the Fireground