The importance of shift training as a crew needs no explanation. For many firefighters, 1-hour training sessions that feature 1 or 2 companies is all they have time to receive. This applies to on duty training led by a Company Officer and weekly training that volunteer departments may organize....
Did you know that drowning is the number one cause of death for children between the ages of 1-4? Approximately 3,400 people drown each year in the United States (Stop Drowning Now, 2023). Many fire departments around the country have continued to expand their response capabilities as the needs...
We have all likely participated in a course or a training session where we felt frustrated trying to learn a new concept or a skill. For me, my most difficult experience was my first foray into technical rescue in 2008. In looking back upon the experience, I think the absence of an effective...
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On 12 June 2020, a fire department responded to a structure fire at a multi-family dwelling. The three-hour incident displaced 40 residents and resulted in injuries to three firefighters who responded to the incident. The incident garnered news coverage across multiple media platforms....
Here is a good example of exposure protection. The Rule of 15 certainly applies here, at least from the distance point of view. In many older cities, it is rare to have a fire without an exposure problem. In North Hudson, the Rule always applies…usually to several of the exposures. Here,...
In an attached building of any age, consider that there will be shafts between buildings. If you have an old, attached building, you must both expect and anticipate fire spread via shafts. Virtually all old, attached buildings will have light and air shafts somewhere. Your Roof Division should...
Read part one here . Let’s address attached exposures. These are more of a challenge to protect, but once again, if you forecast where the fire is going, request enough personnel to address your forecasted issues, and decentralize your command to keep your personnel safe and the fireground...
Wishing everyone at the ISFSI and beyond a healthy and happy New Year. This month I want to talk about the cycle of competence and how it relates to everything we do in the fire service. I learned about the cycle of competence when I was taking Tai Kwon Do. My master instructor or Sa Bum Nim,...
Overview This article provides techniques and technical information for the use of ground ladders at emergency scenes. It is designed to be used as part of a hands-on class over the use of ground ladders. The Click Method Some situations may require a ladder to be extended without being...
In the fire service we tend to line up on either side of an issue then dig in, fight the good fight, and ensure our position prevails. In the last century nothing was more controversial than nozzles. All I needed to do was proclaim an absolute preference for a solid bore (or a fog) nozzle at the...